Distribution Plan for the COVID-19 Temporary 8.4% Rate Increase

In response to COVID-19, the Minnesota Legislature approved a temporary rate increase of 8.4% starting Dec. 1, 2020 and will be in effect until February 7, 2021.

In response to COVID-19, the Minnesota Legislature approved a temporary rate increase of 8.4% starting Dec. 1, 2020 and will be in effect until February 7, 2021.

The legislation required that employers pass on at least 80% of the 8.4% increase to PCAs in wages and benefits and the corresponding increase in the employer’s share of FICA taxes, Medicare taxes, state and federal unemployment taxes and workers compensation premiums.

Accra will be passing on 87% of this increase towards PCA wages. This will be paid out to PCAs with a change to their hourly rate. Paychecks are distributed bi-weekly. The addition of these funds will not change the participants original approved amount of units.

This rate increase does not apply to Qualified Professionals or office staff.

The additional 13% will be used by the agency to cover the corresponding increase in the employer’s share of payroll taxes and to cover the cost for activities and items necessary to support compliance with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance on sanitation and personal protective equipment.

If any PCA does not feel that they received the compensation-related increase as required, you should contact Hannah Rutt, Human Resources Director at 952-935-3515 and you may also contact the Department of Human Services:

By Mail

Minnesota Department of Human Services
Community Supports and Continuing Care for Older Adults
PCA Temporary Rate Increase
P.O. Box 64967
St. Paul, MN 55164-0967

By Email

Email questions to dhs.ccarates@state.mn.us. DHS will direct the questions to the person who can best provide an answer.

By Phone

If you have questions, you can call the DSD Response Center at 651-431-4300. DHS will direct the questions to the person who can best provide an answer.

Note: The telephone number listed is a voice number. TDD users may call the Minnesota Relay at 711 or 800-627-3529. For the speech-to-speech relay, call 877-627-3848.