Accra Mobile Resources

Learn about Accra's new electronic timesheet application

How-To Enter Time (Resources for Caregivers)

How-To Approve Time (Resources for Responsible Parties)

RPs must approve caregiver shifts in the Accra Access Portal by noon on the Tuesday after the end of the pay period for the caregiver to be paid on time.

RP shift approval/rejection in Accra Access

Creating an RP Pin

Approve shifts using RP Pin

Instructions for Caregivers who are also RPs

Please download and use the Accra Mobile app to enter time and approve all time using your Accra Access portal.

If you need help, please contact Accra Connect at (651) 273-2342 or

We are excited to share that the transition to Accra’s electronic timesheet application, Accra Mobile, has begun!

Caregivers who received an email invitation may now download and join the free Accra Mobile app.

All caregivers must sign into Accra Access Portal first because you will use the same log-in information for Accra Mobile timecards.

Caregivers will need to download the Accra Mobile App onto their personal Android or iOS device (either a smartphone or tablet) using the following operating systems:

  • Android version 7.0 or higher
  • iOS version 14.2 or higher

All caregivers in PCA Choice, CSG, CDCS, and CFSS Budget Model may qualify for a one-time $200 stipend to offset costs related to using individual devices to access electronic timecards. Click here to apply.

Click the image below corresponding to your mobile device, download Accra Mobile to your device, and log in using the credentials you created for the Accra Access portal.

Apple app store logo
Google Play Store Logo

Please note, the Accra Mobile app is not publicly available on the Apple app store. To download the app, you must click the link above using your mobile device.