CFSS Series Part 3: Consultation Services – Podcast
We cover everything you need to know about consultation services, the first step in the transition to CFSS.
Welcome to another episode of the Champions of Homecare Podcast!
David and Jason are back with the third and final installment of the CFSS miniseries. Joining the discussion is Peter Noss, Executive Director of Asura, one of Minnesota's CFSS consultation services providers.
In this episode, they dive into consultation services. Peter explains what consultation services are, how the transition to consultation services works and more of the nuances of CFSS.
Episode Seventeen Transcript
David Hancox
Well, Happy New Year, Jason. I know it's a little late to be saying that, we're already in the middle of the month, but it's the first podcast of 2025 and we're thrilled to be back in 2025 with more episodes of the Champions of Homecare Podcast. I hope your New Year's off to a great start, Jason.
Jason Dorow
Thanks. It is except for how cold it is outside and braving these negative temperatures, but I'm sure that will fade eventually. So Happy New Year to you too. So glad that we can ring in the new year with a podcast wrapping up our mini series about CFSS, the new self directed home care option here in Minnesota, which offers people who need home services more choice, control and flexibility with their services and supports. And David, I'm sure you remember our first two miniseries episodes, we talked about the two service delivery models that are part of CFSS, the Agency Model and the Budget Model. Now we're ready to cover the third and final component, which is consultation services.
David Hancox
Yes, and consultation services, it's kind of interesting, because it is the springboard for getting people transitioned into the Agency or the Budget model. So we're really thrilled to welcome today a consultation services expert, and he really is, I think, probably the most knowledgeable person in the state. Peter Noss, who is the Executive Director of Asura. And Asura is one of the new CFSS consultation services providers here in Minnesota. So Peter, thanks so much for joining us today.
Peter Noss
Thank you for having me, David and Jason. I appreciate it.
David Hancox
Well, you know, Jason mentioned a moment ago the frigid temperatures out there, so hopefully this information will bring warmth and comfort to some people that we can provide here today. So let's just start with the basics. Peter,what are consultation services?
Peter Noss
Consultation services, as you said previously, is the first of the three new services that DHS is offering. And what consultation services does is we explain to participants who have been assessed for home care services what the Agency Model services are, and what the Budget Model services are, so they can make the most informed decision about their service, and then we help them, to the degree that they want, write their service delivery plan for their direct support professional to complete each day.
David Hancox
So to be really clear, the consultation service provider doesn't make the choice for the client, but rather provides them with the information about the Budget Model or the Agency Model so that the client, the individual who needs and uses those services that are provided by CFSS, like PCA, etc, so that they can make an informed decision, but the consultation provider is not making the decision for them.
Peter Noss
Definitely not. This is all about increased choice and increased independence for the participants who are assessed for home care services. So we do the best job we can to help describe both new service programs so that they can make the best decision that works for them.
David Hancox
Now, Peter, you also mentioned the support that the consultation provider offers in the creation of the home care plan. So talk a little bit more about what specifically is involved in helping the client craft and create their home care plan.
Peter Noss
Well, once the assessment is completed by the lead agency or tribal nation, it is important for the participant to know what activities of daily living they were assessed they need assistance with, and then those are the pieces that go into putting together the service delivery plan. And again, to help increase independence, the participant can get as much or as little help from the consultation provider as they want, if they want to do it all themselves, then they can put the service delivery plan together and then show it to us. And then we'll walk through it with them to make sure that it is ready for approval by the lead agency. Or if they want us to look at the assessment that's been done on them, and we put it all together the service delivery plan. Then we will complete it and then show it to them before we submit it to the lead agency for final approval.
David Hancox
And when you say lead agency, you're referring to
Peter Noss
Either their county or their managed care, whoever did the assessment for them.
David Hancox
Okay, I just you know, when we use terms like lead agency, there are some folks who may be entering CFSS or PCA related services, and that for the first time, and that may not be a recognizable term for them. So thank you. I just wanted to get that out there so that we're really clear. And even though Accra, that sponsors this podcast, provides this podcast, is not offering consultation services, current Accra clients can continue to work with Accra for their home care services. Correct?
Peter Noss
That is correct, because both of the two new programs, the Agency Model and the Budget Model, will be supplied by Accra, so they do not have to if they're currently receiving PCA services or the consumer support grant, or they're brand new to services whatsoever, they can choose Accra, and it is their choice. That's one thing that's very important, that a consultation provider cannot, will not, or should not give any influence onto which service provider agency a participant chooses. Again, this is about choice for the participant.
David Hancox
So for somebody who's beginning the process of using consultation services as their transition in CFSS that's currently an Accra client, they can come to Asura, receive those consultation services, but still continue to receive their services from Accra. And I know I'm repeating myself, but I just want to be really clear.
Peter Noss
Any current Accra client can call Asura, and we will definitely answer any questions that they have about consultation services or about the Agency Model or the Budget Model, they can contact us.
David Hancox
Yes, great, Jason, I haven't given you much of a chance to say anything yet, as is usual.
Jason Dorow
Maybe that could be a New Year's resolution.
David Hancox
Hint, hint, right.
Jason Dorow
I'm just kidding. So Peter, for those folks who knew CFSS was coming and they're wondering when they're going to get set up with consultation services or how to get started. What are the first steps? Like, what should people, what should clients be doing?
Peter Noss
They really don't need to do anything until it is their time to be assessed or reassessed for their home care services. They don't really need to do any homework, because that's the good thing about consultation services, is once they are assessed for services, the person who assessed them will give them a list of all of the consultation providers in the state of Minnesota, and they will choose, they being the participant who is assessed, they will have to choose their consultation provider. And so then they would contact them, and then at that point, we will set up a meeting to talk about the Agency and Budget Model to help them see which one would work best for them.
Jason Dorow
So you have your reassessment, you have your initial meeting with the consultation services provider. How long does this relationship last for, is it just sort of the springboard that we alluded to earlier, or is this a relationship that they maintain for a while in getting consulted?
Peter Noss
That's a really good question, Jason. This is an ongoing relationship. We will be there throughout their entire service agreement, and we do not get paid from the participant. There is a budget that comes from the state of Minnesota that we get reimbursed by so participants don't need to worry about that if they meet with us every week or every month or twice a year that that's coming out of any of their money. So we're there if they need assistance with Agency Model questions, Budget Model questions or anything, if they want to make any changes in their service delivery plan, they can certainly meet with us. Also any participant who receives home care services who does not have any case management or supervisor, we are required to meet with them mid year of their service agreements just to see how their services are going.
David Hancox
So just to be really clear about this for our listeners sake, when you choose a consultation provider, you're not choosing an organization to help you through just this process of selecting your Budget or Agency Model for the future, but it does continue as an ongoing relationship. So it's not just that process of choosing your new provider or staying with your current provider, but choosing one of those two new models. The relationship continues, so the the person who's seeking you out for services doesn't have to worry about feeling abandoned once they make the choice of their new service model.
Peter Noss
Correct. We're here for any questions that they may have. We want to make sure that this transition from the other home care services into the Agency Model, or Budget Model, is as smooth as possible. And again, this is one of those things where the state really thought about we want to help people feel that increased independence that they have. So there might be one year where we've done the service delivery plan for the participant, and when it comes time for them to get reassessed the following year, maybe they might take a hand at trying to do a little bit of the service delivery plan themselves, because they've got that year under their belt where they know the program a little bit better, they understand their services a little bit better, their ADLs, their assistance with daily living better. So they might be able to get their hands into that plan a little bit more.
David Hancox
Great. And, you know, I know that Asura is not the only consultation service provider in the state of Minnesota. So how do clients or individuals who are currently, you know, facing the this transition, how do they choose a provider, a consultation provider, and where do they find? I mean, is there a list somewhere of these providers?
Peter Noss
There surely is right on the Minnesota DHS website. So you can just go into your search engine. I'm not going to promote one or the other, but you can go into your search engine, whether it's on a computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone, and just type in MN DHS consultation providers, and it will bring up a page that shows all of the current consultation providers.
David Hancox
And are these, I mean, somebody like and I know Asura is based in the metro area, but you can serve the entire state, correct?
Peter Noss
Correct. Asura, I don't know about the other consultation providers. We haven't talked about it, and it's not necessarily something you know that shows on the page, but Asura does handle any participants from any of the 87 counties in the state of Minnesota.
David Hancox
Great, I think that's very helpful for you know participants to know that just because they live in Moorhead, they don't have to choose a provider in that area. They can choose Asura because Asura serves the entire state.
Peter Noss
And this is also not a service that needs to be done in person. I think that's another thing that's important. Is we can do that over the phone. We can do it via email if we need to. So there are, you know, or virtual meetings, just like this podcast, you know, we're doing this all over the computer, so we can certainly do whatever works best for the participant.
David Hancox
Great. Anything else that you can think of that clients or participants, people who use home and community based services need to know about CFSS or tips for consultation services?
Peter Noss
I would ask for people's patience, because there are going to be over 56,000 people over the course of a year who are assessed for home care services. Currently there are only 18 consultation providers. So if we don't get back to you, if we're not able to pick up the phone, give us 24 hours to get back to you, 48 hours to get back to you. We are constantly hiring qualified professional consultation advisors. That's not going to stop, because we want to make sure that everyone out there gets quality consultation service. So please be patient and give your consultation provider an opportunity to get back in touch with you. So keep - Oh, go ahead. David.
David Hancox
No, I just gonna say so over 56,000 individuals have to transition through CFSS to the new CFSS model, and there are 18 consultation service providers, and for every one of those 56,000 plus individuals has to go through a consultation services process, correct?
Peter Noss
David Hancox
So is it safe? This is a loaded question, so forgive me, but is it safe to assume that all of those 18 consultation service providers have the same capacity.
Peter Noss
It is not safe to say that, you're correct, that is a loaded question.
David Hancox
It is a loaded question. And I know I don't want to disparage anybody, but I think it's important for folks to know that the different providers out there have different capacity.
Peter Noss
Correct, yes, they just do yes, and each provider will make a choice as far as how many participants they think they can handle. Asura has made the decision to hire as many consultation advisors as we need to take on as many participants as we can. And there are other consultation providers who may cap the amount, and that's totally their right, and their decision to do, it's a business to cap how many people they hire to provide consultation services, but Asura will provide as many advisors as we need, so that we can keep taking participants.
David Hancox
Well, and forgive me for kind of, you know, moving off to the side, little sidebar on kind of the quote, unquote politics of it and all that. I didn't mean to do that, but what I wanted to do is underscore your comment about, please be patient, whether you're calling Asura or any other
Peter Noss
Yes, oh, yes. Not just Asura. You give everyone the grace, yeah. Because the other thing, especially if you're being reassessed for services, we will not be able to work with you until your new service agreement starts. You're assessed for services within 60 days of your new service agreement. So if your service agreement expires on February 28 we will not be able to start working with you until March 1. Right? So if you were assessed on January 4, because again, within that 60 days, if you were assessed on January 4, we won't start like really talking with you about consulting or agency and budget model services until after the end of your current service agreement. So don't worry about needing to get ahead, because you will be given a six month service agreement for the current services you are receiving, which I think that's important for all people to know, too. So we have, technically, six months on your new service agreement to get you all set up for your new agency or budget model service, and once that is done, then you can transition. You don't have to wait for that six month new service agreement to end to start your new services, right?
David Hancox
So as you can see, as a friend of ours likes to say, it's a race, not a sprint, correct? So you know, patience, and this is a learning curve for the entire state. This is a new process. CFSS is new for everyone now, the consultation services providers have gone through some, you know, very specific training and preparation in cooperation with DHS to prepare to provide this service, but it's still new. It's still new. It's a new model, and the budget and agency models are new, and so it's a learning curve for everybody. So a little patience, a little grace doesn't hurt.
Peter Noss
David Hancox
Any final tips or tricks that you would share with our listeners, other than the patience?
Peter Noss
I would just let people know that if they do, if they're super curious, like maybe their service agreement doesn't expire until July or August, if they have any questions, we would be glad to answer any initial questions that people have. So you can call Asura. You can go to our website, Asura,, and there is a comment link that you can just send a question to us, or you can just email us directly at, and we will answer you, we'll give you a call back or an email back, and we'll answer any questions you have. You do not have to bea participant with Asura for us to answer any basic questions you have, because I think it's important.
David Hancox
One last time, one last time those contact points.
Peter Noss
Yep,, so A S U R A, dot O R G, and there's a comment page, or you can just email us directly at
David Hancox
Okay, great. And Asura is with 1 S - A, S U R, A, 1 S correct. I know sometimes when I'm jotting it down, I accidentally write two s's. So I, you know, want to be really clear about that. So Peter or Jason, any final questions, comments from you?
Jason Dorow
No, thank you so much, Peter, this has been enlightening and super helpful for listeners who are, I'm sure are trying to navigate this transition. Appreciate your help in understanding consultation services.
David Hancox
Yeah, and I would echo that. I think this, this really offers our listeners an opportunity to just see that, you know, it's a process, and it's one that everybody has to go through, but it's a process, and there's, there's a linear approach to this. So Asura is there to help, and you're fully you've got a great staff over there. I know most of them, and they're ready to go. So you're a great resource for folks. So again, thank you for being here to talk a little bit more specifically about the consultation process that leads to the choice of agency and budget model. So I really appreciate your time and your expertise, and look forward to continuing to work with you.
Peter Noss
Thank you very much, David and thank you, Jason.
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