Client FAQ
- Timesheets → Payroll
- Hours on a service agreement → Client services or billing
- Re-scheduling a home visit → Client services – PCA services only
- Employee pay → Payroll (for deposits) or HR (for updating account information)
- Seeing when a new employee can start → Client services – PCA services only
- Spend-down questions → Billing services
- Private-Pay services → Billing services
- Hiring and terminating employees → HR services
- Status of a background study or an application → HR services
- CDCS = Consumer-Directed Community Support
- CSG = Consumer Support Grant
- DHS = Department of Human Services (Minnesota state department)
- DSP = Direct Support Professional
- FSE = Fiscal Support Entity, the agency you choose to handle administrative duties on your behalf (billing the state)
- Participant/Client/Consumer = the person receiving services
- PCA = Personal Care Assistant, the employee giving care
- RN/LPN = Registered nurse/ Licensed practical nurse
- RP = Responsible Party, the person designated to make decisions for the consumer (sometimes this is also the consumer)
- QP = Qualified Professional
For non-waivered participants, Accra Care/Choices for Children sends a request on your behalf 60 days before your service agreement ends to renew your PCA services.
For waivered participants, it is the responsibility of the assigned case manager through the county and we do not send a notice to their case manager.
Under the Flexible Use Option, individuals can use their approved PCA hours flexibly within a service authorization period to accommodate their varying needs and schedules. Our agency is responsible for ensuring that hours cover the entire time frame of the service agreement.
PCA/Personal Support Services:
Please contact Client Services to complete the necessary steps to change your Responsible Party.
CDCS/CSG and 245D Waivered Services:
For minors, the responsible party is always the parent or the legally assigned guardian. For adults, the responsible party is the legally-assigned guardian. This could be the recipient him/herself.
Yes, individuals who are 16 and 17 years old can be employees. As part of their application procedure, they will submit additional paperwork affirming their age. Supervision of PCA employees under 18 by a Qualified Professional must occur every 60 days until they turn 18 (not applicable for Consumer Choice or 245D Waivered Services employees).
PCA/Personal Support Services:
Parents can be paid once the child has turned 18. Parents or guardians of children under 18 years of age cannot be a paid employee.
CDCS/CSG Services:
Parents or Spouses can be paid as staff. Your County Social Worker must approve this first. A schedule of hours must also be received by our agency.
245D Waivered Services:
Some 245D Waivered Services allow for Parents or Spouses to be paid as staff. Your Accra 245D Service Coordinator, or County Case Manager, can assist you to determine your possible employment status.
Submit a signed statement that the employee is no longer working, and the last day they worked/will work. It can be typed or handwritten, as long as it has the Responsible Party’s signature. This can be mailed, faxed or emailed to our office.
Contact us for an employee application. We can mail, fax, or email it to you or the employee. We will need a cleared background study with the Department of Human Services before the employee can start work, as well as a passing PCAT test.
As this can take several days to several weeks, please submit the Background Study Form and completed I-9 to us as soon as possible. That way, we can start the process on our end while the applicant finishes the rest of the forms. As always, if you have any questions, please call and ask for Employee Services.
245D Waivered Services:
Contact us for a PCA/245D employee application. We can mail, fax or email it to you, or the potential employee. In addition to the application for employment, the potential employee will need to pass a background study (with fingerprinting) with the Department of Human Services. Once the potential employee passes the background study, Accra will mail them the 245D Employee Orientation/Training Checklist, which is the final step in the 245D hiring process.
**Note: As federal and state forms change often, please don’t use applications you have left over. This could delay the application process.